37. Joe's Sage Advice

Many people who write educational material feel inclined to give advice to students on matters peripherally related to the subject matter. I'm one of these people.

37.1. On getting a job


If you want speed do C or assembler.

If you want OO do Eiffel or Smalltalk

If you want a job do C# or Java

Don't do C++.

This is semi-humourous and a reflection of the knowledge of those that hire people. Every programmer should know C++.

37.2. Procedural/OOP programming

The style of programming you're learning here is called procedural programming and was the dominant style of programming till the 1980-90s, when object oriented programming (OOP) became commonplace. Once everyone agreed that OOP was really great stuff, people started to teach introductory programming using OOP. In the absence of any real information, this was probably a reasonable thing to try. The problem was that it didn't work - students learned nothing and the programming world figured out that you need to be able to walk before you run. Now it is generally accepted that computer programmers need a strong basis in procedural programming before attempting OOP.

As to whether OOP has taken over from procedural programming: it seems unlikely - both have their niches

  • OOP is slow: there's a lot computer bookkeeping involved in keeping track of an object.

  • The kernel (the piece of code that runs a computer) has to be fast. Kernel's are written in procedural languages, the best known of which is C. Computer Scientists and regular scientists are interested in speed and write in C (or Fortran). A scientist modelling the weather doesn't have a large number of objects, they only have numbers (describing the temperature, humidity, windspeed and air pressure). They don't need objects, but they do need speed. Computer Scientists looking to do new things in a kernel on the same computer, must have speed. They write in procedural languages.

  • Procedural programming can't keep track of a large number of different types of objects. If you want to simulate a large system (a Navy down to the nut and bolt), then you'll have to use OOP.

  • Business is interested in a large range of different objects (not neccessarily the large array of products, all of which can be handled by entries in a database, but concepts related to running a business). The predominant business programming language is the object oriented language Java. Sun, the main vendor for Java has successfully targetted business as the main user of Java and all managers have accepted that Java is the greatest language ever. Java has good features for business: it's accountable and auditable, it's correct and there are a large number of libraries to do exactly what businesses want. It's the 1990's replacement for COBOL. Noone in business cares that code written in Java is slow - you just buy a bigger computer. Businesses do care that the output is provably correct. Java is not well regarded by computer programmers - it doesn't do anything they can't already do with other languages and it's mainly loved by people who can't program. These people, incredibly, wind up in charge of programmers. All the object oriented features of Java are hidden from the programmer, so that it looks like a procedural language. As one programmer said to me "Java is for morons". However since the people hiring you don't know anything about computing, you can't get a computer job without knowing Java, and you should definitely learn Java. Once you've started work, you'll use another language to get anything done. However don't learn Java as your first OOP language: learn a language like C++, where all the OOP is exposed (you can learn Java later in your spare time).

  • Unfortunately the graphics languages available are poor. Due to the X window version of the Unix Wars (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unix_wars), the X graphics language was deliberately hobbled by computer manufacturers. All manufacturers used the basic code from MIT, but instead of extending it together, all produced incompatible extensions, to lock in customers. As a result no new code was added to X for about 20 years, till the opensource/GPL movement took over development, leaving the big computer manufacturers in the dust. Another technically good graphics language NeWS (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NeWS) was produced by Sun, but unfortunately was not a success in the market place, for many reasons, one of which was the lack of libraries to support NeWS and another was widespread dominance of the not particularly functional X. Today it's not clear where X is going and X is not dominant as a graphics developement environment. On unix systems, X is used as a lower layer to implement other graphics languages such as OpenGL or Java. In the windows world, the graphics languages are Direct X or Java. Sun learned from the failure of NeWS when it produced Java, which has thousands of libraries to do almost anything you can imagine and more are released by the day. It turns out that if you want to write cross platform graphics, you have to program in Java: this isn't easy - don't expect to enjoy it.

Python is both interpreted (rather than compiled) and is object oriented. Being object oriented, everything in python is an object, even the primitive data types. So an integer is represented as an object, which inside has a piece of data (an integer) than must stored as a primitive data type. The extra bookkeeping slows python down. The reason for everything in python being an object is for uniformity of commmands: both objects and what would in any other language be a basic data type, can be acted on by functions designed to work on objects. I'm not sure whether this gets you anything, but some people think having everything an object is just the bee's knees.

As a test of the usefullness of using only objects in python, you might ponder how differently you would view the world if I'd told you from the start, that in python, an integer wasn't really a primitive data type, but an integer object which has inside it a integer primitive data type.

37.3. Working for Managers

If you're a student and have not worked in the working world, you will probably have the idea that people in charge (e.g.parents, teachers, adults in general) know what they're doing. In general this is true: your main interaction with adults is learning from them, the adult knows something about the material being taught, at least more than you do, and the adult has a vested interest in you learning the material being taught. Everyone is accountable: the student will be examined, or be tested in a game (if it's a sport) and will be expected to get better and better. The teacher will be assessed for how well the students do. Just as it should be.

In the working world, the situation the same: someone (a manager) is in charge of you, you are accountable to the manager for doing something, and the manager has to be able to tell that you've done what was required. You will be assessed for your work, and the manager will be assessed for the work of his team. Your work will be expected to get better and better as you learn more. Looks the same right? This is intentional: it's supposed to look the same and you're supposed to play as if the rules haven't changed.

Although there are work places where this happens, what's usually going on is

  • the manager is shipped in from HQ (or "Managers-R-Us") and hasn't a clue about the technical aspects of the project, doesn't care and knows he will be promoted to some other project before the effects of his incompetence are manifest.
  • the manager doesn't want to take any risks. He's retiring in 15yrs and doesn't want anything to go wrong on his watch and the only way to do that is to make sure nothing happens at all. This is quite easy, since the manager's managers are doing the same thing.
  • The manager doesn't want you to take over his job. In the soccer situation, no matter how good the kid becomes, his skill isn't a threat to the adult. In the work situation, the managed person may be better at the manager's job than the manager. If the manager's job requires no skills, then you can't take over his job. If there are technical aspects to his job, then he'll be sure that you don't get any better.
  • If you were seen to be good, he would have to give you more pay
  • The manager is not interested in the success of his section: he's more interested in his stock options, and getting promoted.

I've worked for a couple of good managers. What a good manager does

  • battles the bureaucracy to make sure you have whatever you need to get your work done uninterrupted
  • leaves you alone so you can do your work
  • is happy to see you whenever you come into his office
  • regards problems as a normal part of work (after all, if it was easy, then everyone would have already done it by now) and is prepared to dive in and fix whatever he can. If it's a problem you're having that you're supposed to handle, he's glad to be kept informed, and has confidence that you'll figure it out some way or other.

Did I say that your manager has to know what you're doing? No. The best I've had is someone straightening me out when I was stuck and setting me on the right path, but other than that, I've always known more about what I was doing than the manager. This is how is should be: you should be the best person for your job, not your manager. One would like a manager that knows enough about your work, that he can't be snowed by anyone on the material. However one guy I worked for seemed to have spent his college years playing billiards and drinking. He was very good with people, and he never pretended to know anything about what I was doing. But he could tell if I'd done what I said I'd done and he rewarded me for it.

Do you think that the management of GM and Ford know what they're doing? They still haven't realised what was obvious to the rest of the world 35yrs ago. In the early 1970's everyone realised that the price of oil was going through the roof. The Japanese built small, fuel efficient, high quality, reliable cars and 35yrs later is outselling the Detroit car manufacturers.

Education is not valued in USA. How many people know the difference between a Shiite and a Sunni, between socialised health and socialised health insurance? Most people in USA think that the best way to show the world the strength of democracy is to revoke the rights of democracy for its citizens.

Not only do your managers have no clue about what you're doing, your customers don't have a clue what they're buying.

If your customer is a consumer, they've accepted that what they want is something that makes loud noises and has flashing lights. If you buy a piece of computer equipment, it's almost impossible to find its specifications: the advertisements will only tell instead how much happier you'll be.

If your customer is a member of congress/senate (funding for govt projects), then they only want to be re-elected. Look what the government did with the Hubble Telescope (never worked properly) and the Shuttle/Space Station (burns money and kills astronauts). Do you think that the people who vote for money for an interplanetary probe have any idea what it does or whether you can deliver it? They only want to be re-elected.

In the work place as it is in most places, you have to get money for your work. You might think that you've brought your skills with you and that the business knows how to turn your work into money, which will be used to pay you. They don't and if accidently they do make money from your work, it's unlikely that you'll see much of the money. No matter where you go you have to

  • fight to get a job
  • fight to get money for your work you do in your job

Part of this is selling yourself. You can't spend your life working for a manager whose job it is to know nothing. Even if your direct manager is a good one, they'll be working for someone who isn't and your manager will move on (or be fired).

37.4. Sitzfleisch

Sitzfleisch is German for "sitting meat". It translates approximately to "stick-with-it ness" or endurance, and is an important enough concept to Germans to require its own word. In almost any endeavour, including learning to code, or sitting down to write the code, some of which will be difficult, boring or just plain hard work, you'll need sitzfleisch. In books and movies, it's simplest for the author to tell the story as if the hero receives a flash of inspiration, thus saving the day. It's difficult to make an exciting story about the sitzfleisch needed to implement it.

The Manhattan Project (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manhattan_Project), which built the first A-bombs, was staffed by the most brilliant physicists available. There were plenty of flashes of enlightenment, but each one was followed by years of sitzfleisch to get the idea to work. The scientific leader of the project, Robert Oppenheimer (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Oppenheimer) was one of the most brilliant, but he never received a Nobel Prize for his work. The explanation I read when I was younger was that the work Oppenheimer did which should have earned him a Nobel Prize (his work on black holes) was not confirmed for 30-40yrs, by which time politics had moved Oppenheimer out of the forefront of physics. The lesson to be learned is that to get a Nobel Prize, you should only be 10yrs ahead of your peers, and not 40yrs. Oppenheimer was too far ahead of his time. (Einstein's Nobel Prize was given not for Relativity, but for the comparitively pedestrian photo-electric effect. Everyone realised that Einstein deserved a Nobel Prize, but no-one understood Relativity enough to be sure that it was right.) However the book "American Prometheus" (Kai Bird and Martin J. Sherwin, Pub Knopf 2005, ISBN 0-375-41202-6) suggests that the problem was Oppenheimer's lack of sitzfleisch. His life was filled with brilliant flashes, which he left to others to puzzle out. Oppenheimer rarely tackled the long and difficult calculations himself.

While on a long time scale (months), you do need sitzfleisch, in the short time scale (hours) you also need to stop when you aren't getting anywhere, because keeping going will likely get you to the wrong place. I find when I'm working on a piece of code and it's not doing what I want, and I'm thinking of fantastic schemes to get it to work, that the best thing is to go for a walk for an hour (I'm a physiokinetic learner, your method for taking a break may be different). I usually see the problem within 10mins (and I get 50mins of exercise afterwards for free) and I see that I was completely off track and I was digging myself deeper into a hole. Taking a break when you aren't getting anywhere seems to apply more to coding than any other activity I've ever been involved with.

Other people's thoughts about sitzfleisch: playing poker (http://www.twoplustwo.com/reber1.html) where the author (Arthur S Reber) points out that winning doesn't come from the big hand, but by being 1% ahead of your opponents for hours at a time and not ever flubbing a play (where you'll go down the tubes); cycling (http://www.windsofchange.net/archives/theyre_hurting_too.php); in chess, there's the concept of the long think (http://zhurnaly.com/cgi-bin/wiki/LongThink).