21. Calculating square root

Square roots are often used in computer to calculate distances (from Pythagorus). In graphics (e.g. gaming) the inverse square root is used to normalise 3-D vectors (i.e. make sure that between the r,g,b channels, you aren't outputting more than 1 unit of light). Unlike the distance calculation, the inverse sqrt() doesn't have to be all that accurate. There is a fast inverse sqrt() for graphics, see Origin of Quake3's fast inverse square root (http://www.beyond3d.com/content/articles/8/).

There are manuscripts from 1650BC referring to Egyptian methods of extracting square roots (see wiki square root. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Square_root#History).

There is a sqrt() in the python math module. It calls the C math libraries, which call the hardware sqrt() function on your computer's floating point unit (fpu). The sqrt() then is being done in special hardware. You aren't going to get any faster than that. Despite the ready availability of a fast accurate sqrt(), we're going to use one of the simpler sqrt() methods, the Babylonian method, an algorithm well suited to hand calculation.

21.1. Python reals are 64 bit

First we need to know the precision (number of significant figures) that python uses to represent real numbers. (What is the precision for integers [145] ?) Remember that a 32 bit computer can manipulate 232 integers (you do remember the value of 232? - it's about 10 decimal digits). We'll learn more about Real Numbers later, but for the moment we won't go far wrong if we assume that a 32 bit computer is capable of representing 232 real numbers. While there is only one integer between 0..2, there can be an infinite number of reals 0..2 and a computer can't hope to represent all of them. The computer finds the nearest one it can represent, whether it's correct or not, and say "it's near enough". If we go to 64-bits, we'll get a more accurate representation, but it still won't be exact.

Here's some code to show that floating point numbers longer than 12 digits are truncated i.e. any following numbers are garbage.

>>> for x in range (1,15):
...     print  x, 1+10**-x
1 1.1
2 1.01
3 1.001
4 1.0001
5 1.00001
6 1.000001
7 1.0000001
8 1.00000001
9 1.000000001
10 1.0000000001
11 1.00000000001
12 1.0
13 1.0
14 1.0

101212 is 2? [146] This is not enough accuracy for a 64 bit number and is too much for a 32 bit number. We should suspect that we've goofed. The above truncation turns out to be due to limitations of the formatting. print uses str() for outputting, which only outputs 12 digits after the decimal point. If we increase the number of digits displayed, you can get about 15 significant figures before getting garbage. (Note: we are finding the machine's epsilon).

>>> for x in range (1,20):
...     print "%2d, %10.40f" %( x, 1+10**-x)
 1, 1.1000000000000000888178419700125232338905
 2, 1.0100000000000000088817841970012523233891
 3, 1.0009999999999998898658759571844711899757
 4, 1.0000999999999999889865875957184471189976
 5, 1.0000100000000000655120402370812371373177
 6, 1.0000009999999999177333620536956004798412
 7, 1.0000001000000000583867176828789524734020
 8, 1.0000000099999999392252902907785028219223
 9, 1.0000000010000000827403709990903735160828
10, 1.0000000001000000082740370999090373516083
11, 1.0000000000100000008274037099909037351608
12, 1.0000000000010000889005823410116136074066
13, 1.0000000000000999200722162640886381268501
14, 1.0000000000000099920072216264088638126850
15, 1.0000000000000011102230246251565404236317
16, 1.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
17, 1.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
18, 1.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
19, 1.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000

of course we hoping to get

 1, 1.1000000000000000000000000000000000000000
 2, 1.0100000000000000000000000000000000000000
 3, 1.0010000000000000000000000000000000000000
 4, 1.0001000000000000000000000000000000000000
 5, 1.0000100000000000000000000000000000000000
 6, 1.0000010000000000000000000000000000000000
 7, 1.0000001000000000000000000000000000000000
 8, 1.0000000100000000000000000000000000000000
 9, 1.0000000010000000000000000000000000000000
10, 1.0000000001000000000000000000000000000000
11, 1.0000000000100000000000000000000000000000
12, 1.0000000000010000000000000000000000000000
13, 1.0000000000001000000000000000000000000000
14, 1.0000000000000100000000000000000000000000
15, 1.0000000000000010000000000000000000000000
16, 1.0000000000000001000000000000000000000000
17, 1.0000000000000000100000000000000000000000
18, 1.0000000000000000010000000000000000000000
19, 1.0000000000000000001000000000000000000000

Any calculation of reals using python, will only be accurate to about the 15th place. 15 decimal places requires 50 bits (here "l" is log)

#  echo "15*l(10)/l(2)" | bc -l

The IEEE double precision (64 bit) representation of real numbers uses 52 bits (close enough to the 50 bits we see above) to represent the mantissa, 11 bits for the exponent and 1 bit for the sign - see IEEE 754-1985 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IEEE_floating_point_standard#Double-precision_64_bit). It looks like python is using double precision (64 bit) to represent real numbers.

21.2. Babylonian Algorithm

You start with your number>1, and an estimate of the square root (Many algorithms require you to give it starting value(s). Often these can be almost anything.) The square root is going to be somewhere between the number and 1, so make the estimate the arithmetic mean (the average).

estimate = (number + 1.0)/2.0

You use this estimate to get a better estimate

new_estimate = (estimate + number/estimate)/2.0

How does this work? Let's find the square root of 9.

number = 9
estimate = (9+1)/2.0=5.0
new_estimate = (5 + 9/5))/2.0 = 3.4

We started with estimate=5.0 and get estimate=3.4, which is closer to the answer. The estimate gets closer to the known answer with each iteration (the algorithm is said to converge). When we eventually get to our answer (at least within the precision of a real), there will be no change when we plug in the estimate.

estimate = 3
new_estimate = (3 + 9/3))/2.0 = 3

We keep iterating till the difference between the estimate and then new_estimate is acceptable. (for the proper way to do real comparisons see Lahey compiler) We could use division to test if they are close enough; this will be slow, but will work no matter what size the number is. We could use substraction, which is fast, but the remainder will be large for large numbers and small for small numbers. Ideally we'd like to get the maximum precision possible (double precision), but for the exercise, we'll substract and use a relatively large difference to terminate the algorithm.

21.3. Code for Babylonian Algorithm for Square Root

Before we write the code that iterates, we need to initialise some numbers

  • the value of the difference which we'll use to detect convergeance. Call it "error" and give it a value of 10-12
  • the number for which we need the square root (let's start with 9 and call it "number")
  • an estimate of the square root (call it "estimate")
  • a better estimate of the square root, based on the first estimate (call it "new_estimate").

Write some code that does these 4 steps and prints out the value of number and the estimate. Here's my code [147] .

We are about to enter a loop. We don't know how many iterations are going to be needed, but we do have a test to show that we're done. Should we use a for loop or a while loop [148] ?

At the top of the while loop we test if we should enter the loop again. What's the test that we've found the square root and how do we use it in the while line? Here's my code [149]

Assume that the loop is entered (i.e. we don't have the square root yet): Before you entered the loop, when you initialised a few variables, you generated an estimate of the square root and from it a better estimate. You should use exactly the same steps to inside the while loop, to generate a better value of estimate. Heres what happens inside the loop:

  • You have two estimates for the square root: estimate and a better one new_estimate. Now that you're in the loop, you don't need the current value of estimate any more. You should update its value (with what?).
  • You've also decided that new_estimate is not good enough (the test for entering the loop showed it to be too different from estimate). You should get a better value for new_estimate.

Write code to do this, and inside the loop, print out the value for estimate. Here's my code [150] .


In a for loop, the code for the calculations is all inside the loop.

In a while loop, the code for the calculations must also be ahead of the loop (where it runs once), so that the first time the conditional test in the while statement is run, all values will be known.

Where to have the print() statement: For the final code the print() statement will be commented out, so this decision isn't all that important. You can print out values at any step in the while loop and everyone reading your code will know what you've done. The location given is slightly better, as you're printing out the value that caused the loop to be executed. After the loop exits, the last value of new_estimate will be printed by a statement in the following code. If you'd printed after the calculation of new_estimate, then the value for the first iteration of the loop would not be printed.

The only modification left is to print out the final value for the square root [151] .

21.4. Order of the Algorithm for calculating the square root

The order of an algorithm e.g. O(n), O(nlogn) describes the rate at which algorithm's execution time increases with the amount of data that it processes. The calculation of the square root has no data (that can be varied), so we can't use this measure. Instead the measure of worth is the increase in running time needed to increase accuracy by one decimal digit (i.e. a factor of 10).

With a print() statement in the loop, you can see the number of iterations before the answer converges (arrives within the acceptable limit).

On Paul Hsieh's Square Root page (http://www.azillionmonkeys.com/qed/sqroot.html) you'll find that you only need 6 iterations to get 532 places (a 64 bit double precision real number) i.e. every step gets you 9 bits, a factor of 29=512, closer to your answer. This is pretty fast.

End Lesson 20

21.5. Benchmarking (speed) comparision: Babylonian sqrt() compared to built-in math library sqrt()

At this stage we have working code for the Babylonian sqrt(). The algorithm converges quickly (only 6 iterations are required to calculate to an accuracy of 53 bits). However saying that it "converges quickly" doesn't quantify anything (it's a phrase from marketing). You need to be able to say how quickly, using a measurement that is meaningful to just about anybody (e.g. your grandma), not just computer programmers. An obvious first test is to compare the Babylonian sqrt() to the best sqrt() you have (the math module sqrt()). If it's better, we'll do more tests, otherwise we'll just drop it.

To do speed tests on code, we need to be able to measure the execution time of a program. Python has a timer that measures wall clock time in seconds since 1 Jan 1970 (the start of unix time). (see Time access and conversions http://docs.python.org/lib/module-time.html). time() is a (apparently 32-bit) float. On some systems the resolution is only 1sec (programs that run for less than 1 sec will appear to run for 0 time). If the computer is otherwise idle, the wall clock time and the execution time of your program are nearly the same. Here's some code to measure time.

from time import time

n = 1000000

start = time()
#do something n times
finish = time()

print "execution time per iteration = %10.10f", (finish-start)/n

A single calculation of a square root is a little fast for most timers. We usually do a large number of iterations in a loop and then divide by the number of iterations. This brings its own problems: we have to figure out how much time is taken up by the looping code, but we can handle that too (see below). To time your square root code, first make your Babylonian sqrt() into a function. Copy your Babylonian sqrt code to a new file square_root_compare.py

  • name the function babylonian_sqrt(), giving it one parameter (my_number).
  • comment out the line "number = 9" (since the value of number will now come from the parameter) and change all instances of "number" to "my_number".
  • comment out the print functions (so it will run faster).
  • return new_guess.

You now have a function. From here on, this function is just a block of code, that you'll do timing runs on. You won't be changing anything inside of it; it's just a black box.

You need a main() to call the function. Write a two-line main() to test your function - assign the variable number the value 1000, and then call babylonian_sqrt() with the parameter number. Test that your code runs.

To do timing runs on the function, main() needs to generate a whole lot different numbers to feed to your the function. Why don't you just feed the same number over and over? Compilers and interpreters are supposed to be smart. If they see you do the same operation over and over on the same data, the compiler/interpreter will recognise what's going on and will just return the same answer, without going through the bother of calculating it over and over. You don't know if your python interpreter is this smart (how would you find out [152] ), but you should expect that one day you'll bump into a smart compiler/interpreter, and your timing runs will be meaningless. You may as well start writing your benchmarking code correctly from the start.

One way of producing a whole lot of different numbers is to use all the numbers produced by range(1,largest_number), where largest_number is say 10,000.

  • create a variable largest_number to be the number of times you'll call your function. Give it a value of 10000.
  • write a loop to create a number (call it number) that with each iteration assumes the next value from the list 1..largest_number. Do you use a for or a while loop [153] ?
  • inside the loop, call babylonian_sqrt() with number as a parameter.

You now have a block of code in main() that calls the function largest_number of times. You now want to time that block

  • use an import statement to import the function time() from the module time (confusing huh).
  • write code that assigns times to the variables start and finish immediately before the block and immediately after it.
  • Use the values of largest_number, start, finish to print out a line saying
    largest number       1000 time/iteration 0.0000341

Here's my code [154] . This outputs the time required to calculate the square roots of all the numbers in the range 1..1000. This piece of timing code is a self contained block. You aren't going to change it (except for the value of largest_number)

The average time for the sqrt() calculation depends on the number of times you looped (it shouldn't, but it does). You'll find that the time/iteration depends on whether you did it 10,100 or 1,000,000 times. You need to find a range of largest_number for which the time/iteration is the fastest availalbe and relatively constant. To handle this, you need to call the timing loop with a range of values of largest_number. To do this, put the timing loop above, inside another loop, which feeds different values of largest_number into the timing loop. Putting one loop inside another is called "nesting loops".

To do this, you'll need to use a list. Go to the section explaining lists and then return here.

Create a list named largest_numbers[] holding the values 1,10,100....1000000. Read these values out, using a loop (for or while?) assigning the values one at a time to largest_number. The timing loop, being nested inside the new outer loop, will now have to be indented one step to allow it to be parsed correctly. Here's what the nested loops look like

largest_numbers=[1,10,100,1000,10000,100000,1000000]	#list of values for outer loop
for largest_number in largest_numbers:		#new outer loop
	for number in range(0,largest_number):	#original loop

Here's my code [155] .

Here's my output

#  ./square_root_compare.py
largest number          1 time/iteration 0.0001909
largest number         10 time/iteration 0.0000348
largest number        100 time/iteration 0.0000295
largest number       1000 time/iteration 0.0000341
largest number      10000 time/iteration 0.0000398
largest number     100000 time/iteration 0.0000474
largest number    1000000 time/iteration 0.0000512

Look to see if there's a range of values for largest_number where time for doing a sqrt is independant of the loop size (it should be the fastest time). For largest_number having a value of 10 or more, the Babylonian square root function takes 30-50usec on my 1GHz machine. One one student's machine (MacOS), the time/interation kept dropping with in the range values for largest_number above, so I sent him off to do runs with increasing values of largest_number. Another student's machine (WinXP) reported 0 time for the first 3 runs, and presumably has a time() function with a resolution of only 1 sec.

End Lesson 21

Next we want to compare the speed of the Babylonian sqrt() to the built-in sqrt() (in the math module).

  • Add another timing loop for the built-in sqrt() at the same level as the timing loop for the babylonian_sqrt(). Add an extra section to the outer loop in main() which calls sqrt() from the math module.
  • add timers to this new block to measure the execution time of the built-in sqrt(). you can reuse the names start, finish since the babylonian_sqrt() timing loop has exited and is not using these variables anymore.
  • add a print line to output the times.

Here's the new calling code in main() [156] .

Calling range() and setting up the looping consumes cpu cycles, so we need to subtract that time from our results. Code up a 3rd timing loop that doesn't do anything, so later you can subtract that time out. Here's a loop that does nothing (you can't have an empty line, the parser gets confused).

	for number in range(0,largest_number):

Here's my code [157] . Here's the output

# ./square_root_compare.py
babylonian_sqrt: largest number          1 time/iteration 0.0001969337
library_sqrt:    largest number          1 time/iteration 0.0000259876
empty_loop:      largest number          1 time/iteration 0.0000119209

babylonian_sqrt: largest number         10 time/iteration 0.0000346184
library_sqrt:    largest number         10 time/iteration 0.0000043154
empty_loop:      largest number         10 time/iteration 0.0000017881

babylonian_sqrt: largest number        100 time/iteration 0.0000295210
library_sqrt:    largest number        100 time/iteration 0.0000031996
empty_loop:      largest number        100 time/iteration 0.0000008512

babylonian_sqrt: largest number       1000 time/iteration 0.0000341501
library_sqrt:    largest number       1000 time/iteration 0.0000030880
empty_loop:      largest number       1000 time/iteration 0.0000007720

babylonian_sqrt: largest number      10000 time/iteration 0.0000398650
library_sqrt:    largest number      10000 time/iteration 0.0000031442
empty_loop:      largest number      10000 time/iteration 0.0000007799

babylonian_sqrt: largest number     100000 time/iteration 0.0000459829
library_sqrt:    largest number     100000 time/iteration 0.0000033149
empty_loop:      largest number     100000 time/iteration 0.0000009894

babylonian_sqrt: largest number    1000000 time/iteration 0.0000511363
library_sqrt:    largest number    1000000 time/iteration 0.0000033719
empty_loop:      largest number    1000000 time/iteration 0.0000010112

The time for the empty loop is 0.7-1.0usec. Here's the timing results, after subtracting the empty loop time.

Table 1. square root (time, usec): Babylonian and math library code

Babylonian math library
30-50 2

The library sqrt() is 15-25 times faster than the Babylonian sqrt(). Even though the babylonian_sqrt() only needs 5 iterations to get the answer, the library routine gets the answer in the time of 1/3-1/5th of a loop.

21.6. Running time comparision: Python/C

Python being an interpretted language will be slower than a compiled language. As well, python is object oriented, making it slower yet. C is one of the languages of choice when speed is required. Here's the same program as above (comparing the Babylonian and math library sqrt()) written in C (it uses the low resolution timers). With your current programming knowledge, you should be able to read this code and know what it's doing. [158] . Here's the output

time/iteration: babylonian         10000000  0.00000122000000000000
time/iteration: library            10000000  0.00000010800000000000
time/iteration: empty              10000000  0.00000000700000000000

time/iteration: babylonian        100000000  0.00000135340000000000
time/iteration: library           100000000  0.00000010790000000000
time/iteration: empty             100000000  0.00000000680000000000

time/iteration: babylonian       1000000000  0.00000147792000000000
time/iteration: library          1000000000  0.00000010824000000000
time/iteration: empty            1000000000  0.00000000691000000000

Here's the comparison of the timing results, subtracting 7nsec for the empty loop (compared to 700nsec for the empty loop in python).

Table 2. square root (time, usec): Babylonian and math library code

Language Babylonian math library
python 30-50 2
C 1.3 0.11
ratio time Python/C 25-40 20

C is 20-40 times faster than python, at least for doing sqrt(). So why does anyone code in python? If speed is your main requirement you don't. However it takes longer to write C than it does to write python and people who don't program a lot, can write working python without too much trouble, but may not be able to get a C program to work. If you only require a few square roots and it takes 5 mins to write it in python and 10 mins to write it in C, then you do it in python. If you need to do 1012 square roots, then you do it in C.

If your code only takes 1 min to run and you're only going to run it a couple of times, then you really don't care if it takes 10 times longer. However if you're going to be running the 1 minute program hundreds of times, or your program will take a week to run, then a factor of 10 in speed is important.

End Lesson 22

21.7. Presentation: the Babylonian Square Root

You've just completed a piece of code and have a nice story to tell. For the rest of your life, whether you're a coder or something else, you're going to have to sell what you've done to someone else. Here you have a piece of code.

It's simple to tell other coders of your work. You just walk them through the code. They'll just go "yup, yup... yup. Nice story." and go back to their work. A little harder is a technically trained person, who isn't neccessarily a python coder.

Here's what you do.

  • You give an introduction.

    This will give enough background information so that people will know why you did the work. In this case you wanted to code up the Babylonian square root, to see how it worked, and then you tested its speed compared to the fastest available square root, the math library square root.

    You need to give people time to adjust from what they were doing before they came into the room, so you can add a few things that don't require much brainwork; e.g. you could tell them where Babylon is (50miles south of Baghdad), what else Babylon is famous for (besides the square root algorithm) - the hanging gardens of Babylon, one of the 7 wonders of the ancient world; and the Laws of Hammurabi.

  • You give your talk.

    In this case you will explain what the code does from an overall point of view, then explain each piece. You can explain the code in the order you wrote it, which makes it simple to understand

    • explain the Babylonian sqrt() function
    • explain how you time code
    • explain why you used the library square root as a control (it's the fastest square root you know of, otherwise it wouldn't be in the library).
    • why you timed the empty loop
  • You tell them what you accomplished/concluded (that the library square root is "x" times faster than the Babylonian sqrt()).

This is usually phrased as

  • you tell them what you're going to tell them
  • you tell them
  • you tell them what you told them

It's a conceptually simple story with a conclusion that everyone will agree on. A presentation on this piece of code shouldn't take more than 5-10mins.

End Lesson 23